Main Dishes

Tofu Kofta

Hello, hello! We’ve made it to March and …*sniff sniff*… is that the smell of spring in the air? It’s been so warm lately, the change in the weather is really promising. We’re hoping to start our garden in the coming weeks if we don’t have another frost on the forecast. 
Anyways, this week we were going to share with you our recipe for meatballs, but since there are so many variations, we wanted to do a little more testing on our end before we share them with you. We tend to use a lot of soy products in our kitchen, but rest assured the next meatball recipe we’re testing out will include non soy options too! 
But for this week, we’ll be using tofu to make a vegan version of kofta! If you haven’t had kofta before, it’s a popular meat dish in the Mediterranean and Middle East. It’s basically meatballs or kebabs with onions and herbs. Super simple and super delicious. We hope you enjoy! 

Tofu Kofta



1 pack tofu -frozen then thawed 

1 egg or flax egg

1 small or ½ large grated onion

1 tsp veg bouillon 

1 tbsp olive oil

½ tsp each: cumin powder, coriander powder, paprika

½ cup finely chopped parsley

2 tbsp GF breadcrumbs or flour

Salt and pepper to taste


Onion and garlic powder to taste

1 tbsp finely chopped mint 


You’ll want to start this a day ahead – we recommend freezing the tofu overnight, and then taking it out in the morning to thaw so it’s ready to go by the afternoon. You don’t have to do this of course, but the freezing and thawing process gives the tofu a much better texture for this recipe.

Once your tofu is thawed and you are ready to begin cooking, start by preheating your oven. If you have a small convection oven that’s old like ours and doesn’t produce a lot of heat, you can set it to broil. Otherwise, set your oven to 400F.

Next grate your onion and finely chop your herbs. If you have a food processor, you can throw them all in together and pulse it a few times until everything is finely diced. 

Next, mix all your ingredients together in a large bowl, and slowly add the breadcrumbs or flour until the mix is able to hold together.

Using your hands or a scoop, shape the mix into little balls or logs and lay on a lined and greased baking sheet. 

Drizzle over with some more olive oil, and bake for about 20 minutes or until the tops get golden brown, then flip them over and continue to cook for another 15-20 minutes until the other side is golden brown. 

Serve over rice or a salad, or with some dipping sauce, and enjoy!

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