Appetizer,  Dessert,  Main Dishes

Candied Ginger Sweet Potatoes

Hello, hello! Today’s recipe is short and sweet – literally! We usually eat this in the fall and winter, but honestly it tastes great all year round. Soft, sweet, and ginger-y, we hope you like this recipe as much as we do! 

Candied Ginger Sweet Potatoes



-2 Sweet potatoes

-1 Tsp grated ginger

-2-3 Tbsp maple syrup (or any other sweet syrup you prefer)

-2 Tbsp vegan butter

-2-3 Tsp water

-Pinch of salt

-Cinnamon to taste

-Optional: orange zest and nutmeg to taste 


Pr-heat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit. 

Peel and cut your potatoes. You can do little quarter inch disks, or dice to make small cubes. 

Par boil your potatoes in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes until they are a sort of ‘al dente.’ You should be able to poke with a fork, but the inside will still feel a bit firm and the potato won’t break apart. 

Drain and pat dry your potatoes, then coat with the rest of your ingredients.

Spread out on a lined baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, or until soft and tender. 

Note: If you don’t wish to parboil your potatoes, you can instead just coat them and bake. However, in order to prevent the other ingredients burning, you’ll need to cover the tray with foil for the first 20-30 minutes of baking, and then remove the foil and continue to bake another 20-30 minutes or so, until the potatoes are fully cooked through and the coating is nice and sticky. 

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